Procedure for Admission into the JCCI, Sydney Inc.@

‚PDPlease fill out a membership application form, include a profile of your company and a letter of recommendation, and return all documents to the Chamber.

(1) Both an official and a member of JCCI Sydney will have to sign and seal the letter of recommendation. (Please consult the officials' list and the membership directory for reference.)
(2) Your company profile should include basic information about your company, such as the name of the company, the year of foundation, the capitalization, the number of employees, the nature of your business, the location of the headquarters and of the branches. An existing company brochure would be adequate.

@‘Membership Application Form

@‘Letter of Recommendation

‚QDThe Board of Directors will admit new memberships after considering the documentation submitted.

(1) The meeting of the Board of Directors is held on the second Thursday of every month in principle.

(2) The company profile is used for reference in the admissions procedures.

‚RDIf the Board of Directors grants you admission, the Chamber will send you a membership directory, the Chamber's rules, invoices (for the admission fee and the annual fee) and an application form to join the subcommittees.

(1) The admission fee is A$330 (including GST).

(2) The annual fee varies depending on the type of membership (for example, regular membership, special membership, or associate membership), as noted below.

a. Regular membership: applies to local companies, branches and representative offices located in the Sydney district, with a head office in Japan.

First Membership Type Second Membership Type Third Membership Type
Number of employeestransferred from Japan:1 to 4 Number of employeestransferred from Japan:5 to 9 Number of employeestransferred from Japan:10 or more
A$1,375(including GST) A$2,750(including GST) A$4,125(including GST)

b. Special membership: corporations and quasi-corporations 100% owned by the Japanese government, located in the Sydney district. ¨@Half the regular membership fee

c. Associate membership: Australian companies and corporations and their associates located in the Sydney district, other than regular and special membership corporations. @@@@¨@Flat rate of A$1,100(including GST)
